Booking reservation form Name Familyname Your e-mailadress Telephone Preferred arrival date On the day of arrival we will welcome you from 15.00-20.00 hrs. day of departure (We are open 1 april - 1 october) You are able to leave until 12.00 hrs. adults (from 18 year) Childs (under 18 and > 1 year) baby (0 - 1) number of people joining pizza on Saturdays (table d'hôtes) [radio radio-552 label_first use_label_element default:1 "We have ¨Groene Boekje¨ and we will show this on arrival" "We want to buy ¨Groene Boekje¨ on our arrival and we will pay € 15,95] We will arrive with 1 carWe will arrive with 1 car to deliver camping goods and we don't need a parkingplaceWe will arrive by bike, walking or public transport and we don't need a parkingplace Extra information or questions (optional)